Hollywood Casino: The Eat Up Buffet, for $29.99, includes Thanksgiving favorites such as a roasted carved turkey, maple brined roasted turkey, glazed ham, and options for seafood lovers, such as salmon oscar and the option to add crab legs for $12.99.River City Casino: Thanksgiving buffet is $29.95 per person, 11 a.m.–8:30 p.m.Ameristar Casino: Landmark Buffet is offering a $27.95 per person Thanksgiving buffet, 11 a.m.–8:30 p.m.If we missed a restaurant that will be open or provides a pick-up service, let us know in the comments below. The following list has been ordered by type, then from least to most expensive, unless otherwise noted. Louis restaurants offering places to dine or pick up prepared dishes and entrées.
If you're skipping the stress of hosting Thanksgiving this year, consider one of the many St. Editor's note: This story has been updated for Thanksgiving 2019.